The way to Determine either a Floor Is Level or not


Certain new screed flooring installations need a level subfloor, for example strong and resistant tile flooring. Anunleveled subfloor possibly will cause high damage to the floor with the passage of time which may want removing the complete floor and then again installing it. You cannot just place a bottle on the floor and then watch if it initiates to roll on by itself to decide that if your floor is flat and level or it is not. Before installing a new floor be a bit more technical and utilize the tools that are designed to determine for a level surface.

  • On your floor place a 4 to 6 foot beam level. Then look at the bubble in the horizontal tube in the level to make sure that it floats amongst the two vertical lines. And if the bubble is not floating among the lines then correct the level till the bubble will drifts or floats in-between the vertical lines.
  • Measure and observe any gap which seems in the middle of the floor and the level. You may think through that area level for screed flooring installation if the gap measure is not more than 1/8 inch. Bigger gaps need pouring a self-leveling grout in the depression and dips for leveling the flooring surface. Then in a felt-tipped marker spot these dips.
  • Spot any areas of the floor which are greater than 1/8 inch beside the floor. Sanding has been required these higher areas on a wood subfloor and to lower these higher areas on a concrete subfloor needs grinding. In this way these areas has been made leveled with the rest of the floor.
  • And if you want to determine each area of the subfloor then slowly slide the level above the floor. Carry on to spot each areas which are lower or higher with respect to 1/8 inch on the floor.